Немного о том откуда был взят дизайн для этого сноуборда, а именно о самой игре "The Burning Legion has returned", and that's bad news for Azeroth. The next World of Warcraft expansion is called Legion. It includes a new continent called The Broken Isles, a level cap hike to 110, new dungeons and raids, a new honor system, artifact weapons, class order halls and a new demon hunter class. The Broken Isles is a long forgotten land that lies at the heart of Azeroth. It used to be a thriving Night Elf civilisation. Now it's "a graveyard of sorts" that features the Tomb of Sargeras, itself a gateway to endless legion worlds. A brief cinematic shown at the start of the presentation suggests that this is largely Gul'dan's fault. Whatever the reason, a demonic invasion is coming—the "biggest invasion of Azeroth ever", in fact—and an army of heroes is needed to stop it.