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Пару слов о Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Lollipop :

Writer/director James Gunn’s upcoming soft reboot The Suicide Squad will likely be missing the original’s most divisive element. In a recent Q&A conducted on Instagram, Gunn appeared to shoot down the idea of Jared Leto’s Joker appearing in his film in response to a question from a fan.

Gunn was asked:

«How can you justify a Suicide Squad movie that does not have Joker in it?»

Gunn’s response was simple:

«No one but me and a few others know all the characters in the movie, but if the Joker isn’t in the film, I don’t think it would be strange as he isn’t a part of the Suicide Squad in the comics.»

Gunn’s absolutely correct that Joker isn’t a part of the Suicide Squad in the comics, which is one reason why some fans were puzzled at the character’s inclusion in the original 2016 film in the first place. The version of the Clown Prince of Crime presented in director David Ayer’s Suicide Squad was just a bit different from the cinematic depictions of the past, and most DC die-hards agreed that it was not in a good way.

Leto’s Joker’s pasty white face and slicked-back, bright green hair were about the only facets of the character’s physical appearance that the flick got right. The platinum grill and tattoos looked absurd to many fans, and Leto’s hyper-stylized, weirdly off-putting performance did little to quell their anger when it hit theaters.

Gunn’s principal cast for The Suicide Squad could already fill a good-sized bus. The cast was revealed last month with the release of a one-sheet that included a whopping 24 names, featuring both new and returning cast members. At this late juncture, it seems pretty unlikely that Gunn will sneak Leto into the film, and this latest comment all but confirms the fact that The Suicide Squad will leave the actor’s version of the Joker out in the cold.

Despite the extremely mixed reception to Leto’s Joker, Suicide Squad made enough bank that a solo vehicle for the character and a team-up with Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn were briefly put into development. Both of those projects, however, were unceremoniously axed earlier this year — and that’s not even the strongest indication that Warner Brothers has completely soured on Leto’s version of the Joker.

Let’s not forget that the trailer for the upcoming Birds of Prey film makes it clear that, especially as far as Harley Quinn is concerned, «Mr. J» is out of the picture. Keep watching the video to see James Gunn reveals why Leto’s Joker won’t be in The Suicide Squad!

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Размер виниловой наклейки

2000 х 320 мм.

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Компания производитель не несет ответственности за схожесть внешнего вида с оригиналом при использовании ее продукции

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