У вас может быть доска с виниловой наклейкой в стиле мультфильма Royllent 2017 Anime Caster Fateextra Fate
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Пару слов о мультфильме в стиле японских Аниме Caster fateextra fate:
Caster is the enemy that Hakuno’s Servants has to face in the third round. She appears when Alice talks about her past history, Caster summon Jabberwock to fight. Hakuno Kishinami and the servant first thought that Jabberwock was the servant and a Berserker class. Throughout the week, they convince Hakuno to «play games» with them, noting two people named Yamada and Suzuki as previous «playmates.» In the second floor, Caster unleashed her Reality Marble Nameless Forest against Hakuno and the Servant. As Hakuno managed to catch up to Alice and Caster, Hakuno’s existence started to fade while Alice and Caster teleported away. Hakuno successfully broken the reality marble by remembering their name. Caster comforts Alice saying there are other games that they can play with Hakuno.
Touko Aozaki helps analyze Alice’s Servant explaining that a Berserker class cannot utilize a Reality Marble and a Caster class is more suitable. As Hakuno look up more details about Jabberwock, Alice pops up and Hakuno asked if Jabberwock is her Servant. Caster interrupts their conversion before Alice reveals anymore details, and Hakuno figured out the true class of this Servant. Alice and Caster both revealed Nursery Rhyme’s existence.
In the elevator, Alice claims that she doesn’t need Hakuno anymore and Caster is the only person she’ll ever needs. As they’re about to be deleted, Caster laments for her defeat and clings onto Alice. Caster blames on Hakuno for taking away her happiness with Alice, but Alice accepts that everything has to end someday. Alice thanked Caster and fades away, Caster cries out knowing that she wouldn’t be happy without Alice and fades away as well.
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